As part of Palawan Mission of Seventh-day Adventists, the SDA Church at PAA was organized in order to provide students and teachers a place for religious services and worship. It aims to foster Christian fellowship among its members. All dormitory and village students are expected to attend all religious services programmed by the following church departments.
The Ministerial Association
It is organized for your interest in Christian Ministry and evangelistic work, as your life calling. It aids you in the study and practice of personal and public evangelism. It contributes much to the spirituality of the school and inspires the members to do active missionary work.
The Sabbath School
It is conducted for the training of students as Bible teachers and church witnesses. It binds the entire academy into one family in Bible study. Branch Sabbath schools are also conducted to inculcate in the students a spirit of practical missionary work.
The Gospel Voices
The PAA Gospel Voices is the official singing group of the Academy. For the development of musical talent, the Gospel Voices provides opportunities for those who love to sing. The choir provides sacred music and contributes much to an atmosphere of reverence and worship in religious services. Continued membership in the choir will depend on prompt and regular attendance in practice as well as in proper decorum and conduct.
The Student Association
All students and teachers/staff automatically become members of this association which provides immediate training in student leadership and responsibilities. This association works hand in hand with the administration in realizing plans and programs outlined by the school for students' co-curricular activities.
Boys Club
The young men who reside in the academy dormitory form an organization commonly known as the Boys Dorm Organization. Regular meetings are held during which topics of vital importance to man's life responsibilities.
Girls Club
For the purpose of promoting friendship and Christian fellowship among ladies in the dormitory, the Girls Club is organized. Regular meetings enlighten the members on the ideals of home life and standards of Christian womanhood.
Other Clubs
At the initiative of subject teachers, other clubs such as the History and Social Science Club, the Science and Math Club, Filipino Club, English Club, etc. may be organized. Never miss the opportunity to become a member of these clubs and be afforded of their benefits.
Home and School Association
Better known as the HSA, this association is organized to promote friendly relationship in the academic progress. This organization meets by schedule in order to give progress report of student to their parents. Parents are advised to attend meetings so as to check on the achievements and academic growth of their child.