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              Palawan is a narrow archipelago of one thousand seven hundred island s on the western boarder of the Philippines. Its geographical location seems to make it remote from the rest of the country. In fact, some of the southern islands are closer to Malaysia than to other provinces. The waters of the South China Sea lap the western shores of Palawan, while the Sulu Sea hugs her eastern coast. With a land area of nearly i.5 million hectares, Palawan is the 5th country’s largest province. Its irregular coastline stretches almost 2,000 kilometers long, indented by numerous coves and bays. Highlands and rolling terrain covered with lush forests that create a cool and scenic landscape. The province is a melting pot of migrants from various parts of the Philippines and other countries. The influx of settlers accounts for the high population growth rate of 3.92% annually.


              About 122 kilometers south of Puerto Princesa City which is the capital of Palawan and known to be the hall of fame awardee for being the cleanest city in the Philippines lies a small barangay named Tacras. It was known to be the cradle of SDA civilization way back 1960. There was no school around the vicinity then. The Palawan-Wide Officers’ Training which held at Panacan way back 1965 gave chance to Tacras brethren to voice out their felt need to have an elementary and secondary school. Through the leadership of Pastor Ponciano Romulo, the Central Luzon Mission president, the dream was materialized. In July 1966, the church school started to operate. Classes were held in the church by a lone teacher, Mrs. Soledad Duque-Macmac. The brethren continued to pursue their desire to have a secondary school the following year. Pastor Jeremias Vitto, the CLC Education Secretary applied for the opening of the secondary school in Tacras. Inspector from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports came to evaluate the building and facilities of the school to be opened but the application was denied because there were only two posts standing. The dream never dimmed. Eight hectares of land was donated by committed brethren for the school site. There were:


1. Mr. & Mrs. Eligio Paduga

2. Mr. Gerardo Bonotan

3. Mr. Pedro Reynoso

4. Mrs. Soledad Duque-Macmac

5. Mrs. Presentacion Cabalos-Tagyab


             The news for the school building bayanihan was spread around the island Brethren responded to the urgent call with their provisions. For two months, the school building made of sawali and galvanized iron roofing was completed. The building is composed of a library, an office, three rooms for high school and three rooms for the elementary. The MECS gave approval for the classes to be opened in the school in the school year 1967-1968. That was the humble beginning of Palawan Adventist Academy, the school that lights the isle.


             The following were the principals that served PAA:



1967-1968                  Pr. Benjamin G. Pangan

1968-1969                  Mr. Malakias C. Guevara

1969-1970                  Mr. Ruben Budayao

1970-1971                   Pr. Rodolfo Evangelista

1971-1974                   Pr. Espiritu Guadiz

1974-1976                  Mr. Aaron Salazar

1976-1977                  Mr. Domingo Manalo

1977-1978                  Mrs. Erlinda G. Padul

1978-1979                  Mr. Aaron Salazar

1979-1981                   Mr. Benjamin Bico

1981-1983                   Mrs. Erlinda Padul

1983-1986                  Mr. Benjamin Bico

1986-1987                  Mr. Alfredo Amada

1987-1991                   Pr. Robin Saban

1991-1993                   Pr. Jimmy Celestre

1993-1996                  Pr. Robin Saban

1996-2002                 Mr. Rodrigo D. Capiendo

2002-2004                Mrs. Cynthia M. Faigao

2004-2008                Mrs. Felicidad C. Fonte

2008-2010                 Mrs. Eufricina C. Gallego

2010-2011                  Pr. Wilbert Diel

2011-2012                  Mrs. Alisa May D. Lagabon

2012-2015                  Mrs. Elvira R. Tamparong

2015-present            Pr. Carolus Rosas








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